We have a few Challenges still going on, but our bi-weekly challenge starts today & ends on Thursday Jan. 29 @ 9 PM EST. Our Poll will begin on Friday, Jan. 30th.
This week's Challenge is FOOD! So you may cook, bake, or just take an interesting shot of anything that we eat. Can be growing on a plant, can be placed on a decorative plate, as a still life image..... Can be just fruit in a dish. Try to be creative, make sure you have plenty of light, & again keep a steady hand when snapping the shutter....Ü
Clyde had a perfect one for this challenge, but it was perfect for the Still life too.
So here is an example of a FOOD image, & desserts are my favorite...Ü
Don't forget to follow the GUIDELINES.
Our other challenges , The ALPHABET CHALLENGE, (Names too) & HEARTS are still going on, so all are welcome to join in on those too...Ü
Thanks Clyde! ;)
The first comment looked good in the preview, but the link didn't work. Trying again. FOOD !
heres mine
Here's mine!
How do I hyperlink in a comment like Clyde??
Here's mine:
This was fun!! (One of my favorite subjects..teehee)
Not sure if a trackback or pingback will work. Here is my entry: STRAWBERRY
Thanks for playing, Scott. Don’t know where you found a nice strawberry in the middle of January, but it looks great. Would be yummy soaked in Grand Marnier and dipped in chocolate.
In South Florida. Is that cheating?
Man.. everyones photos looks so much better then mine.. lol I could do better if I had the right camra.. I think this is as good as it gets with a phone cam...
I couldn't resist when I saw my friend, Scott, post his strawberry. So, here's some Duck Curry!
Crab for Dinner! A Seattle favorite for my entry: FOOD Maria
Been awhile... but here is mine. Marie I think you read my mind as I had taken the picture for a different entry but had to join in.....
BCPC - "FOOD" - Posted.
Here's my entry~now I'm going to go eat it. Linda in Washington state
Here is my entry. Let's Be In Life: Blogger's Community Photo Challenge Food#links
Clydes looks Yummy, I gained 5 pounds just looking at it. Here's mine
I'm not having any success in getting the link in properly so I apologize for pasting it in the comment.
Came back to try the linky... LMAO you knew I would.
ok it leaves it in the name spot instead of your name ..... not in the comment...
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