" The real journey of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
~Marcel Proust
~Marcel Proust
So with this in mind, I hope some photographers will think outside the box and try something different.
There are simple guidelines that I hope you all will follow:
1. The photo must be your image.
2. You may enter more than one photo on your blog in the same post, but only add one ENTRY to our Challenge blog.
3. Make sure your link is to your post, not to your entire blog. This way we know which images you're entering.
4. Images must be posted as a new post.
5.Please mention our challenge & include our challenge blog link to our challenge, on your entry, in case others want to join in.
The Challenge starts today and ends September 30th. To enter click on blue button at bottom/left side of this post.